The Golden Thread Series
A 4 part Creative Writing Course:

"A New Beginning"

The Golden Thread, our creative writing line at Soulhouse presents a creative writing path in four workshops that you can follow at home, at your own pace.
Our unique combination of imagination warm-up, visualization and creative writing prompts guide the participant to write freely and access forgotten emotions and memories, which will guide the creative process.  Click on the button below to register. The first workshop is free, just register to enjoy it!

A four part course in Creative Writing with:
  • Creative Meditation
  • Writing Exercises
€65 for 12 month's access
You can try the first chapter free.

Say goodbye perfectionism - follow the golden thread of your imagination and create with love!
When you sign up for this course, you'll have access to a series of recordings designed to unleash your creativity and stimulate your imagination. You'll learn to put aside the inner or outer critic you may have been carrying around with you for years, and invent your own creative space, to find your own writing style.
Following on from these meditations and visualization exercises, you'll receive inspiring writing suggestions and exercises to bring your inner stories into the world. Let's go!

Included in this course

How this works
Each workshop begins with an audio recording by Sabrina Siobhan to listen to in order to free your creative energy flow, stimulate your imagination and create your own creative mental space.
Next, Delphine suggests one or more writing exercises to do without thinking too much, naturally, in almost automatic mode, guided by the recording you've just listened to.
Finally, use these exercises to write a text on the theme of the day.
  • Rediscovering forgotten joy
  • The things I loved
  • Challenges and Victories
  • A new start 
Access & Rhythm
All you need are headphones, a quiet place, paper and pens! Allow about 1.5 - 2 hours for each workshop.
  • Recordings of guided meditations and imagination warm ups
  • PDFs with writing exercises 
If you'd like feedback on your writing or advice, contact Delphine by e-mail ( for a one-off individual work session or longer-term writing support.
Course Content:

"Let your heart guide you and your stories will come alive... they are meant to be shared...."

Delphine Rivet & Sabrina Siobhan

Our participants' feedback

Soulhouse and Sabrina Rohbock have developed an incredible methodology for working with our body's intelligence and energy field to not only help us live a more fulfilling life, but to help us bring out our creativity, share our voice, find life's purpose, and transform our reality.

Imbody Wellness
Recently I did one of Sabrina’s amazing live workshops in Rio. At the time I was creatively stuck and the process involving movement and meditation allowed me to work through my inner challenges in a supportive and inspiring environment. I have already now seen changes in my creative ideas and connection to new insights. Thanks again and I look forward to future Creative Presence workshops!

Artist, Graphic Designer & Brand Specialist
Bravo for your wonderful idea of combining meditation and writing in your workshops. It makes us feel good and we don't want to leave. The little trapdoor is always open to sweep away the undesirables, and the writing ideas are fun while providing entertainment in our daily lives. A good time every time. A big THANK YOU to both of you.
Nathalie Le Bras-Lerouge

formatrice de français

Soulhouse courses

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