EMBODY for Women

We offer online workshops for women in meditation, energy awareness and tools for wellbeing and empowerment.  

These will be taught by a variety of wonderful Soulhouse partners with expertise ranging from meditation, yoga, the nervous system, nutrition, energy awareness and more.

You can subscribe to The Inner Courtyard Membership and attend a live EMBODY workshop monthly.

Keep your eye on this page for upcoming workshops like "Yoga for Presence" "Women & Money" series. by Tina Thaarup Elmøe, "Female Creative Energy" and more with Francine Marie Theilen, Sabrina Siobhan and our wonderful skilled Soulhouse Partners. 

To request information email team@soulhouseschool.com
Ground, get centered, clear your mind.  Energise your body, get your feminine and creative energy in flow.  Your mere presence can speak volumes.


Our Inner Courtyard live sessions are on the second Thursdays of the month.   Our classes run all year, no live classes in August though you have access to recordings 24/7 all year.

EMBODY for Women

Time: 11:00 - 11:45am Paris time 
You can register the dates in your digital calendar here.

If you join the Inner Courtyard Membership you will will also be able to attend the following:

Intuitive Creativity 

First Tuesday of the month 8-8:45pm  Paris time 

Presence Workshops 

Third Sunday of the Month 8:30-9:30 pm
Write your awesome label here.

Add session dates to your calendar here

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