Energy Awareness Skills
Energy Skills - Digital Resources

Welcome to Energy Practices & Tools - a invaluable skillset and toolbox to master that will help you to clear your space, raise your energy awareness and more.  You can purchase 12 months access to this growing collection or access it via The Inner Courtyard Membership.
Self Paced
12 months access
or 4 x €45 (cancel anytime)

Energy Skills and Tools

These are self healing skills which are powerful, and need to be kept updated and current.  For the best results, we recommend  frequent practice - use these recordings when you feel you need the support.  It is normal to even forget you know your tools, they get buried in the rubble of daily energy that goes back and forward in our daily lives. Join our Inner Courtyard Membership in order to attend regular live energy work sessions.

Learning energy awareness tools is optimal in a live class, if you can join us - this would be the best way to learn about energy awareness.  If you'd prefer the self learning route try our recordings here. They are suitable for all levels.

To learn to read energy and master the 6th chakra please email

We upload new tracks twice a month.  

Course Lessons

“ Everything is Energy, work with energy and dynamics around you will instantly shift"

Soulhouse courses

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