Try Presence for Men free - 4 Audio Tracks

Listen here to Class 1 & Class 2,  which includes 4 x audio recordings from our course - Presence for Men.  This series focuses on Masculine energy and the male body - Recovering a sense of space, presence and power.

Presence for Men is a course of 7 online sessions for Men in Meditation, Energy Awareness and Presence Training.  This is ideal for anyone wishing to reset and recalibrate their mind, body and energy levels.

The Soulhouse Method for Presence offers a unique combination of mindset & meditation training.  You will learn tools that clear your energy field and body easily so that you can recharge and reset with your own unique energy and presence.  

Join us to enjoy this unique way of inhabiting your body and the world.  

Your presence speaks volumes.  Have the guided experiences in these 4 audios and if you would like more personal teaching in a small group feel free to join our Presence for Men or send us and email with questions

You can listen to Class 1 free.

4 x audio recordings 
Ground, get centered, clear your mind.  Energise your body.  Your mere presence can speak volumes.

Sabrina Siobhan 

Sabrina is a meditation and energy awareness teacher with 15 + years experience online and live in Denmark, Brazil and France.  Her passion and niche expertise is within presence, energy awareness, meditation & creative presence.  For her detailed bio please visit our team page.
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