Presence Training
Core Practices
Build the Architecture of your Presence

The Presence Training Core Practices are for students of Presence Training - currently enrolled or alumni only.  
The core practices are invaluable and will serve you always.  Use your intuition to know which principle of presence you need to work on in this particular present moment
Self Paced
6 months Access
All levels

Free for enrolled Presence Training Students
 € 185
3 x €  70

Course structure
  • Take the time for caring for you
  • Clear your mind daily
  • Make space for your presence
  • Pay attention to your energy space
  • Develop a daily practice
  • Daily Practice rewires your whole being - eventually it will happen by default
  • Replenish your energy several times a day

All your wisdom lies within your own soul energy, and your access to the big picture, source.  We are a school for the free thinkers, the creatives and the visionaries.
The Presence Training principles exist to guide you to having a sold safe framework within which you can bring your energy home to you and your creations out to the world.  With regular practice you will easily tap into your soul energy and voice.  You will have access to your inner compass and guidance.  


Build the Architecture of your Presence with our 7 principles.  They are designed for core structural integrity - knowing who you are, solid, whole.  You will instinctively know where you need to do the work today - sometimes it will be on your foundation, other times on your boundaries and so on.  You can use the core principles in any order - and follow your instincts.  Remember - even when you make your mark, there is always more - you are a creator and a change maker.  Keep going!
KEEP CREATING - the world needs your light.
Remember - time and space is relative, the stars we receive colour and light from are not in the same dimension of time and space as we are - just do it, your presence is gold.

“Rewire your mind and body and come fully into the present moment. Connect with your heart, find your answers easily, build powerful presence"

Sabrina Siobhan, Founder of the Soulhouse School

Benefits of building your daily practice

We know now that how and what we think affects our physical and emotional health.  There is no longer any doubt that stress - arising from negative thinking, can cause illness.  What is conversely true is that positive thoughts, positive self image, an open creative mind, and a body that feels accepted and confident, will create good health and positive energy.  The Presence Training Core Practices are created to help you to create excellent habits and patterns that build a strong foundation for presence, good health and positive flowing energy.  We recommend beginners to start with the shorter practices and progress to the longer ones.  The range from 5min - 30 minutes.

We recommend:

  • Committing to a daily practice
  • Entering your moment for presence into your agenda and committing.
  • A comfortable chair
  • A positive and fun frame of mind, out of judgement or expectations.


We suggest that this journey is invaluable for find answers about your next step, a specific question or decision about a life project or change.   Set a main topic or question you would like a plan or answer for by step 7.

When you register & pay:

  • You will pay through a secure payment gateway 
  • You will receive a login
  • You will receive 6 months access 
  • You may cancel from month to month
  • You can log in from any device

Course contents

Kind words from our students

Soulhouse and Sabrina Rohbock have developed an incredible methodology for working with our body's intelligence and energy field to not only help us live a more fulfilling life, but to help us bring out our creativity, find life's purpose, and transform our reality.
Imbody Wellness
Recently I did one of Sabrina’s amazing live workshops in Rio. At the time I was creatively stuck and the process involving movement and meditation allowed me to work through my inner challenges in a supportive and inspiring environment. I have already now seen changes in my creative ideas and connection to new insights. Thanks again and I look forward to future workshops!

Artist, Graphic Designer & Brand Specialist
Sabrina Siobhan has an ability to perceive and articulate very complex aspects of my creative energy and purpose, and to do so with great clarity and depth.  This perspective has been most helpful at increasing my awareness, presence and focus so that I am better able to create the outcomes I desire in many areas of life. I have benefited from and enjoyed my interactions with her and her work.

Soulhouse courses

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