Stay connected to your inner world

All your answers are within
The Inner Courtyard Membership offers monthly online sessions to help you to 
 cultivate the practice of nourishing your mind, body and energy regularly.

Write your awesome label here.

The Inner Courtyard Membership

Soulhouse Inner Courtyard Membership gives you unlimited access to our all encompassing collection of audio tracks, tools, self learning courses and workshops, 1 live class per month and 6 workshops annualy.

Our digital collection of audio tracks and worksheets includes meditation courses, guided meditation for daily practice, energy awareness tools, experiences for unblocking creative energy, self healing and more.  

The Inner Courtyard Membership includes a course for beginners and tracks which range from absolute beginners to experienced practitioners. This collection also includes a small but growing collection of audio experiences  for children from the ages of 5 years old, teens.  We offer 3 days free trial, after which you can choose to subscribe, and have the option cancel from month to month.  
Enjoy ! 

The Soulhouse Gold Inner Courtyard Membership includes:

Your subscription includes:
  • All the courses listed (click on each individually to see content)
  • One live monthly live class with a Soulhouse teacher -schedule below
  • 6 workshops annually see list below
  • (No live sessions in the month of August)

One live session per month

Your Gold Inner Courtyard Subscription includes 1 live session per month on Sundays with a teacher .  A moment to connect, you will learn skills, practice, have the opportunity to replenish your energy in a validating environment. Please see our schedule below.


3rd Sunday of the Month

All sessions will be recorded and made available to you in your digital collection.

3rd Sunday of the month*
8 pm UK/GMT
9 pm CET/Paris (this is the reference time)
4pm RIO (Please double check)
3 pm EST/USA

How to attend:
Once you register for membership please email us for the link to register for live sessions.   We offer one live session free to anyone who wants a trial - email to enquire

Write your awesome label here.

Six live interactive workshops in 2023

Sundays (Please check your timezone below)
60-90 minutes depending on the moment

Upcoming Workshop Topics for 2024:

  • Love, Sexuality - your next level
  • Relationships - updating relationships in your life
  • Creative Energy
  • Healing and Replenshing your Body
  • Forgiving and Recreating

Recordings or not:

Subject matter from our interactive workshops, though excluding participant conversation, may be recorded and made available to you in your digital collection.  As classes are created in the moment with participants responding we do not guarantee the sharing of every workshop in order to protect and respect the privacy of our community.  We will do our best to share material that may be of service.

7-8/8:30pm UK/GMT
8-9/9:30pm CET/Paris (this is the reference time zone)
2-3/3:30pm EST/USA

Workshop dates for 2024 will be uploaded soon, 6 in total over the course of 2024 excluding August.
Write your awesome label here.

Access from any device

Access your content easily from your phone or computer and in a few weeks with our upcoming app.  Content rotates monthly so you will always have both our permanent collection and new tracks on the month's theme.  Below you will find a sample of one of the tracks from our collection.
Write your awesome label here.
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